Current Studies

Interested in an active Research Study? See form below for more information!

Triglyceride Study

    • Be 18 years of age or older

    • Have high blood fat levels (triglycerides > 500mg/dL or > 5.65 mmol/L)


    • Have a diagnosis of high triglycerides (between 150 mg/dL and 499 mg/dL, or 1.69-5.64 mmol/L)

    • Agree to follow diet counseling and maintain a stable low-fat diet during the study

Thyroid Study

    • Diagnosed with hypothyroidism at for least 1 year

    • Taking Synthetic T4 for at least 1 year

    • A body mass index (BMI) between 18-40

    • In range TSH levels

Diabetes Study

    • Be at least 18 years old

    • Have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for over 6 months

    • Be taking a daily insulin for over 3 months but not achieving adequate control of blood sugar


    • 21-70 years old

    • Have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

    • Currently taking at least 1 diabetes medication

    • Have an HbA1c between 7.5-10%

    • Have a body mass index (BMI) between 24-40

Past Studies

High Cholesterol Study

(Successfully Completed)

    • Be at least 18 years old

    • Have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for over 6 months

    • Be taking a daily insulin for over 3 months but not achieving adequate control of blood sugar

Vaccine Impact on Productivity
(VIP Survey)

(Successfully Completed)

    • Adults, 18-65 years old.

    • Employed at least 20 hours per week.

    • Receiving their first, second, or booster dose of an authorized COVID-19 vaccine.

    • Able to access a smartphone, tablet, or computer and have a valid email address

Gout Study

(Successfully Completed)

  • Adults, diagnosed with Gout

    Agree to take provided medication to prevent flare ups

COPD Study

(Successfully Completed)

    • Be at least 18 years old

    • Have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for over 6 months

    • Be taking a daily insulin for over 3 months but not achieving adequate control of blood sugar

Lung Cancer Screening

(Successfully Completed)

    • Adults, 50-80 years old

    • Current and past smokers

    • Agree to undergo a blood draw

    • Plan to undergo a low-dose CT lung cancer screening

Alzheimer’s Study

(Successfully Completed)

    • Be aged 55-80 years old

    • Have normal memory and thinking

    • Have a reliable study partner who is familiar with your day-to-day life and would notice any changes in your memory, thinking, mood and behavior

Sign Up
For a Study

AMLC Clinical Research is continuously looking for participants to take part in Clinical Research trials for various medical conditions. Sign up if you are interested in participating in a study or would like to be provided with more information.